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SL1 - 8/29/16

Hello, and welcome to Standard Level IB Math, year 1. I'm looking forward to working with all of you for an engaging and mind expanding year! I use this website rather than ManageBac since I have more control over what I can communicate. A link to your ManageBac course is a the bottom of this page. The posts here will generally apply to both B and C blocks, though sometimes the two blocks may diverge. We'll cover a lot of math this year - everything from algebra and functions to exponents, logarithms, trig, probability and statistics. We've seen a lot of the ideas in MYP5. Here we'll go into more detail and depth as we expand our understanding. So ... ! See you in class,
Mr. Alei

SL 1: Week of 8/29/2016

Mon 8/29: Back to School Picnic
Tue 8/30: All classes meet - Special Schedule
HW What is math paragraph
Read Lockhart's Lament
Wed 9/1: All classes meet - Monday Schedule
1A.1: #1aegikl,2behk,3bdf (Solve quadratics by factoring)
QB: #1 (IB Practice)
Thu 9/2:
1A.2: #1cfi,2cfi,3bcef (Completing the square)
1A.3: #1beh,2bcef (Quadratic formula (by hand – check with calc))
QB: #11,15a (IB Practice)

Some Useful Things
Course overview
Quadratics Unit Plan

IB Questionbank, Class Notes, and other support
Smartboard Class Notes - Quadratics
QB Quadratics practice problems

The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.  Dates above are when homework is assigned.  It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 8/24/16 4:26 pm        ManageBac B Block        ManageBac C Block        SL Mind Map
For access to electronic copies of the IB text books, see or email Mr. Alei
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