All right folks, review time! The next few weeks will be very fluid, depending on what we decide to focus on. I may have trouble keeping the website up to date - keep your schedule in class. The general idea will be to do some practice exams while focusing in on topics, as needed, starting with trig. While the topics will be the same, SL and HL students will have different attention! See you in class,
Mr. Alei
HL 2: Week of 4/3/2017 (Previous Week - 3/27/17)
Mon 4/3:
Discuss practice exams.
HL: HLTrigUnitTest.1516: Handout me if you need electronic
SL: QB: SLTrigPractice0809 #1-9
Wed 4/5:
Discuss HW, review trig ideas
HL: QB: HL.TrigPractice09_10N #1-12
SL: QB: SLTrigPractice0809 #10-18
Fri 4/7:
Mock Paper 1 Exam in class
HL: HLM14P2Z2.pdf: Handout me if you need electronic
SL: SLM14P2Z1.pdf: Handout me if you need electronic
Some Useful Stuff
Smartboard Class Notes - Exam Review
The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section. Dates above are when homework is assigned. It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 4/2/17 4:11 pm ManageBac HL Mind Map HL Calculus Option Mind Map