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HL2 - 11/28/16

Welcome back folks. Hope you all had a wonderful break. The rest of the semester is dedicated to your exploration. The time will fly, so use it well early on! Lots of resources here. See you in class,
Mr. Alei

HL 2: Week of 11/28/2016               (Previous Week - 11/21/16)

Mon 11/28: Exploration Topic Due!
We will work on explorations for the remainder of the semester
Fri 12/16: Exploration Final Due

Exploration Resources

The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.  Dates above are when homework is assigned.  It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 11/26/16 10:35 am        ManageBac        HL Mind Map        HL Calculus Option Mind Map
For access to electronic copies of the IB text books, see or email Mr. Alei
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