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SL1 - 10/10/16

No class on Monday this week because of the Wednesday holiday. Also, sophomores going on the Carlsbad trip will miss class on Tuesday so will have a little make up to do (I have sent you an email with details). We'll be moving more into exponents this week - looking at rational exponents and working with them in expressions and solving certain exponential equations. The HW assignments below have changed since the green sheet I handed out last week so please correct that sheet. Finally, a head's up that the chapter exam on exponents will be next Thursday, 10/20 and as part of it you will do a timed quiz on powers of 2 up to 210 and perfect cubes up through 103. Learn those well, starting now. See you in class,
Mr. Alei

SL 1: Week of 10/10/2016               (Previous Week - 10/3/16)

Mon 10/10: No class - Wednesday schedule
Tue 10/11:
3C: #1-5 last 4 (Rational exponents)
3D.1: #1-2 last col (Algebraic expansion)
Thu 10/13:
3D.2: #1-5 last col, 6 (Factoring w/exponents)
3E: #1-5 last row (Exponential equations)
QB: #1,2 (QB: Exp Equations)

Some Useful Things
Course overview
Exponents and Logs Unit Plan

IB Questionbank, Class Notes, and other support
Smartboard Class Notes - Exponents
QB Exponent & Log practice problems

A couple videos explaining exponents:
Kahn Academy: Simplifying exponential expressions
Kahn Academy: Solve exponential equations with properties

The fine print: See sidebar at right for links to previous assignments. Click on linked assignments to download notes for that section.  Dates above are when homework is assigned.  It is always due on the following class meeting.
Updated 10/9/16 10:39 am        ManageBac B Block        ManageBac C Block        SL Mind Map
For access to electronic copies of the IB text books, see or email Mr. Alei
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